
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Narrative writing Term 3 2021.

Today for Writing, I will be teaching you about Narrative writing. Something I found challenging was creating this blog. Something I found easy was answering the questions!  Have you ever wrote a narrative story before? Here is my activity below! 

Before we start… 

  • What are the things that make a great story?  

A great introduction, climax and resolution. 

  • What is a story (movie, book, short story) that you find yourself going back to often. 

        The Avengers : Endgame. 

  • What is it about that story that makes it so compelling? 

The introduction, climax, background and a great resolution. 

  •  What makes a bad story?

When a good character has lost a battle to a bad character. So that would mean the evil character won.

  • What are some things authors should avoid when crafting a narrative? 

To never feel bad or sad about your writing when someone puts you down. 


Narrative - A spoken or written story of connected events. 

Protagonist - The leading character in a movie, play or story. 

Compelling  - Something that interests or attentions you. 

Crafting - When building a story or film.  It can also mean by building something. 

Setting - A location and time where an event takes place. 

Plot - The main events in a film, book or play. 

Curate - A assistant that helps a person.


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