
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Litercary. Harry's War. 17 April 2020.

Today I read Harry's War by Mark Derby. It is about Harry at his farm an a invitation  comes in for him to become a New Zealand Solider.  In 1918 he goes to camp after camp we went to Wellington after he in Wellington he is going to England for World War One.  When they finished war they were so happy that they won .  But they were so angry because they had now way home .  I learnt to be good and always have adventures. 


  1. i like the writing and i hope when i am older i can be in the war with the
    nz people

  2. This book sounds really interesting. Did you know that our museum is called the War Memorial Museum ? Your photo is really beautiful.

  3. hi Xavier i like how you are making a poster, from people that want to become a soldier that is awesome i like how you did ,the picture but you can make the writing smaller. But you did a amazing job

  4. Xavier this is a Amazing good job
