Trip To Emirates Team New Zealand Headquarters.
On the 25th of November 2020 Twp 5 & 4 went on a trip to Emirates Team New Zealand Headquarters to learn about the boats and the America’s Cup that would take place in 2021.
When we arrived at our destination we started our first activity. My group learnt to drive robots with an ipad on a map. We were pretending that the robots were the boats that will compete in the America Cup.
We drove our robots on a map of the race course that the boats will be driving in the America Cup. First my team won then the other people won. I felt happy and excited driving a robot and competing with other schoolmates in a race.
When it hit 11:00am we walked back to the place we left our lunch then we ate.
I tasted the tasty chip that went through my mouth.
When we finished eating and drinking we went into the other room. The second activity we did was going through a room so that we could see the wind from outside. We could move the wind by moving our hands and our body by just in that room.
The third activity was when we stranded on a map and saw what the race course would look like. When we moved onto the fourth activity it was when we could play this video game in which you can drive the NZ boat with the gears like the steering wheel and to lift the boat to go up and down.
The Fifth activity was when we could take a photo with the team or with the America Cup.
I felt happy doing the activities! The sixth one was when you could create your New Zealand Emirates Team Boat and whoever had the highest won the challenge. The last activity was when we watched this movie when the Emirates team was driving the boat. I felt happy that I saw how they drive the boat!
When we were leaving we could take a group photo and it would stay on the ipads forever. When we went out of the room we packed all our stuff and jumped onto the bus.
I felt exhausted because we were singing songs on the bus and my favourite song was Old Town Road!
When we arrived at Saint Pius X Catholic School in Glen Innes we jumped off the bus and had 15 more minutes of recess because the bell was going to ring. When I got home I felt happy and exhausted and I hope that I remember to watch the America Cup in 2021!