
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Cricket - 7/12/2021.

Today for PE,  the Auckland aces came to teach Twp 4 and 6 about Cricket. Something we found difficult was learning the new games. Something we found easy was playing the games we knew! Have you ever been to a Cricket game before? Happy blogging! 

Cricket  - 7/12/2021.


On Tuesday, Twp 6 and 4 had our last session with the Auckland Aces. We first practised our aims, we played this game by throwing it up in the air then trying to catch it. We then formed into a group with 4 or 5 people and started to practice our throws. When we reached 20 catches we had to redo it but with one hand. 

After the warm ups we played a quick game of Powerplayer. When we finished powerplayer we played netball but cricket style. It’s when we have a tennis ball and have to throw the ball into the other team’s square or territory. 

When we finished playing with the tennis ball we practised our swings with the cricket bat. The aim of the game was to try and hit the tennis ball to see how far it goes. A few minutes later we all had to grab our tennis ball and go into groups of 4. The game was to knock 

down all three stumps and whichever group knocked it down first won.

It was only a couple minutes later till we had to go back to our class. We all said ‘goodbye’ to our coaches then they told us ‘We’ll see you next time’


Monday, December 6, 2021

Advent 2021.

Today for Re, Miss Graham and twp 4 learnt about Advent. First we wrote down the information we knew about Advent. We then drew a picture of the Advent wreath. Happy blogging!


Friday, December 3, 2021

Cricket PE Term 4 2021

                            Cricket PE Term 4 2021

At 9am Tuesday 30th November 2021, Twp 4  walked downstairs to the field and met

the cricket instructors (Brodie & Matt). They were from the Auckland cricket club and

came to teach us some skills. I could feel the tennis ball in my hand which made

me excited. I could feel my mask blocking the air flowing into me which made

me tired!

The first game we played was throwing the tennis balls up in the air.

The point of the game was to learn how to aim and catch the ball.

I could see the ball in the air which made me ready to catch it.

I could feel the green fur on the tennis ball which felt soft! 

When we finished the first game we all went into groups of 4 or 5 people.

The point of the game was to pass it to your teammate without dropping it.

I could feel the tennis slip off my hand which  made my heart stop for a second. 

I could hear my teammates laughing and having fun which made me happy.

After the second game we all went into groups and had to have tennis balls.

The point of the game is that you have to knock over all three stumps.

The other game we played was Powerplayer.

It’s when you throw the tennis ball to the other group's territory.

If it lands in their territory one person is out.

You keep on continuing this until no one in the other group is in their territory.

I could feel the ball landing in my hand which made me feel great.

I could see the other group's territory which made me feel ready! 

When we finished the session  we said ‘goodbye’ and ‘thank you for coming’ then they replied with ‘see you all next week’!

Here are some pictures of us playing Cricket! 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Tuck Jumps - Term 4 2021.

Today for PE, Isitolo and I have completed our Tuck jumps for the day. Something we found difficult  was doing the tuck jumps. Something we found easy was editing the video! Happy blogging! 


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Who is Isaiah?

 Today for RE, Twp 4 and I have been learning about Isaiah. Isaiah was one of God's spokesmen. He made predictions about the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. His prophetic ministry lasted 40 years until it was fulfilled by Jesus. 

According to the Jewish tradition that the royal ancestors would of given him access to share the news with the kings of Judah in Jerusalem. Isaiah's prophecies challenged the people to trust God, to give up their sinful way and to believe that God is real! Happy blogging! 


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuck Jumps - 29/11/2021.

Today for PE,  Jonah, Isitolo and I have completed our tuck jumps for the day. Something we found difficult was doing the tuck jumps. Something we found easy was editing the video! Happy blogging! 


Monday, November 29, 2021

The People of Advent - Year 6.

 Today for RE, Twp 4 and I have learnt about Advent. Advent starts from Sunday 28th November to Friday 24th December. Something I found difficult was answering the questions. Something I found easy was creating the storyboard! Happy blogging!